Monday, August 28, 2006

Just Being Me Again....Again!

Since tomorrow is the first day of school for EBA, I decided to make the "break" time (read: recess for high school kids;)) a little special by bringing in a taco salad, chips, soda, and the principle's wife is making cookies (which are the absolute best!).

So today I went to my local grocery store to buy some of the ingredients for the salad as well as various mints and hard candy to compliment the pencils and cute little "Welcome back to skool!" signs Sarah made for each student. As I went up and down the aisles, I had this instinct feeling that I was "forgetting" something but I didn't think of it so I bought my stuff and went back to work.

I remembered what it was tonight.

I was standing in my kitchen and for some reason it hit me and I said, "I am so stupid!" My mom, being the great lady that she is, didn't say, "don't call yourself that" because she is so used to me saying it; but she did ask me what was wrong and I told her about being in Weis today and buying all the stuff and forgetting to use the $2.00 off coupon which expired today and was the only reason I chose to go to Weis!!!!!


So I went back to Weis tonight and bought some nectarines (on sale!) and some Cheez-its (on sale) and walked away only spending $1.59. Because of course nectarines and Cheez-its taste so much better knowing that you bought them on sale;).... even if you did buy everything else full price earlier in the day:D.

*Sigh*... sometimes I wonder why they let me out of the house;) Oh well... I'm sure to smile tomorrow as I enjoy my nectarines thinking about yet-another-blonde-moment-brought-to-you-by-Anne!

Happy week serving the Lord y'all:D

1 comment:

Anne said...

Hello!!!!!!!!!! Haven't heard from you in ages (translate: since Matt's graduation;D) Hope all is going well for you! EBA sure WAS a long time ago for us:)