Friday, September 1, 2006

Belly Laughs...

My little nephew Trevor came shining through with a good laugh for his auntie...

A week ago my friend Paula had asked me if I had talked to Kim (my s-i-l) within the past couple of days and I told her not since Wednesday. Paula then said I hadn't heard the *church* story.


If it involves *church* and *Trevor*, I'm sure it means two things: 1. a funny story is about to be told. 2. Kim almost died. From embarrassment:).

Apparently Kim had placed Trevor on the end of the pew to sit during the church service. Now up to this point, Trevor had been behaving so well in church! So in a moment of not thinking, Kim let Trevor sit on the end. Bad move. Kim kept her eye on him and he didn't make a peep. She turned away for a quick glance at her other kids, and when she turned back, Trevor was halfway up the aisle heading for the pulpit! Apparently he eluded the poor usher that made a frantic grab for him and wound up right smack dab in front of the pulpit in the middle of the service.

I could just imagine all the thoughts swirling through that auditorium (and believe me, it's big! Nothing like having your issues aired before 300 people!) I'm not sure how Jack and Kim gracefully or ungracefully got Trevor back to his seat, but I do know this: next time he will most likely be set in the middle of the pew with lots of people barring him from any escapes:).

My niece Tiana started school on Monday at the Academy. For most kids, this wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. It was a shock for Tiana though since she has been homeschooled from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Well, one of the rules of the school is no talking in the hallways. You talk, you get a demerit. So Tiana was trying to obey the rules by not talking.

On Tuesday she was heading to her next class that was on the first floor... or so she thought. When she got to the classroom, it was empty. So she turned around, lugged her suitcase, I mean bookbag, back upstairs with her to the class where her friend Brooke was and asked Brooke about her next class. "Oh you have to go upstairs for that class." So Tiana grabbed the ball and chain (a.k.a. bookbag) and headed upstairs. She got to that classroom and found....... nothing. Knowing Tiana, she was probably slightly frustrated at this point. As she entered the hallway, she saw plenty of people heading her way, but it didn't matter because she couldn't talk in the hallways. Back down the stairs Tiana went where she was told to go to a third room. She goes to that room, meets the teacher who then decides that class was going to be taught in the original bottom floor classroom that Tiana visited!!!:D Heeheeheehee

Today one of the girls was proofreading the Sunday bulletin that the main secretary does every Friday. As I sat at my desk, I suddenly heard Katie laugh. She rolled over to my desk and pointed to one of the announcements:

"EBA News: Volleyball practice is on Tuesday from 1:30-3:30. Soccer practice is on Thursday from 3:30-5:30. If you have room for this, you can put in there that EBA Picture Day is going to be on September __. The forms can be picked up in the school office."

Once I realized the mistake, I started laughing! Apparently the school secretary had "chatted" the church secretary with this announcement and apparently she just copied and pasted the chat right into the bulletin...:D. Heeheehee. We found other evidences of "copying and pasting" scattered throughout the bulletin:). Good thing she had us proofread it;).

Aren't you glad for belly laughs?!?! It's always good if you can laugh at your own blondeness, er, stupidity as well:D

As you head into your weekend, remember that "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones" ~ Proverbs 27:22.

Don't forget to stop and enjoy a belly laugh!


Anonymous said...

Hello Anne. I must confess I do enjoy reading your posts. I shall come out of my "lurking" now, and sign my name to my comments. Probably.

Kristi said...

Hi Anne, it's always good to laugh. I try to laugh often. :P


Anonymous said...

Anne, did you remember to check the bulletin's date???? Ya never know ; )
I got a REAL GOOD belly laugh after looking over Melissa's shoulder while she was reading your post :)hehe, and realizing that I was reading what had just happened this afternoon!!!!! HEHEHAHAHLOL! I guess I should "lurk" more see what other office happenings are posted - like our candle sniffing experience, or standing on the desks!! ; )

Anne said...

Melissa ~ Yay! You came out of hiding! I'm so excited;).

Kristi ~ I laugh often too... often at myself:D

Katie ~ You caused a moment's worry there! I DIDN'T check the date; hope it's the right one! We only have a couple of more Fridays for our candle-sniffing time (tear). We better make the most of it:D