Friday, January 25, 2008

10 Years... They've Been Good.

If you could see what I once was

If you could go with me,

Back to where I started from

Then, I know you would see.

A miracle of Love that put me in it's sweet embrace

And made me what I am today

A sinner saved by grace.

I'm just a sinner saved by grace.

When I stood condemned to death,

He took my place.

Now I grow and breathe in freedom

With each breath of life I take.

I'm just a sinner, saved by grace.

How could I boast on anything

I've ever seen or done?

How could I dare to claim as mine

the victories GOD has won.

Where would I be had GOD not brought me

gently to this place.

I'm here to say I'm nothing but

A sinner saved by grace.

January 25, 1998 -January 25, 2008

10 years of sweet salvation with my Lord!

I will never forget that sweet Sunday morning Debbie Wilhite led me to the Lord, after doing a 4-week Bible Study with Debbie Lytle. It is only by His Grace I am here today!


Jennifer said...

Wow! I was saved on January 25, 1997! That is so cool that we have the same second birthday!

Kate said...

How wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne, Happy Spiritual B-day. I didn't realize it. So close to your physical birthday. Have a great day. Love Paula

Kristi said...

Our choir sings that song. It's one of my favorites. Happy Spiritual Birthday!


Dear Abbi said...

Happy Spiritual and 25th birthday Anne!!

What a sweet picture of you and your mom! :)