Sunday, June 8, 2008

It Has Begun....

... the good-byes, that is. When my brother got married two weeks ago, I said good-bye to several family members that live in Idaho, Indiana, Florida, and North Carolina. The hardest good-bye was to my sister who lives in Florida. As we cried and hugged, she whispered encouraging words into my ear before we stepped back and headed into two different directions.

Tonight I said good-bye to someone else. One of my students (whom I affectionately call "Gabby-Girl":D) told me she was heading up to a city in central Pennsylvania to spend the summer with her mom. I was a little incredulous as she said she would be gone the entire summer. Of course I'm thinking ahead to that August 14th date, and pulled her in for a quick hug.

And so it's begun. I got together with a friend of mine the other day for breakfast... knowing that if I don't snag the time now, the summer will be over and I will be gone.

I left last year for Thailand on June 5th and came home on August 16th. Knowing how fast the ten weeks went last summer, I have a pretty good idea that this summer will be the same. But until then, I have lots of memories to make, a couple of nephews to snuggle, and special people with which to spend time. Before I know it, families will be taking off for vacations and I will be waving good-bye as I head for the airport.

These are the days to cherish...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

So so true. Goodbyes are never easy, but keep the goal in mind!