Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby News.

My little baby is resting contentedly in his swing right now and I'm finally sorting through and catching up on e-mails... and blogging.

~Three days before baby day~

~Five days after baby day~

Little Paul Nathaniel was born September 6th after a very long day. Several things took place differently than I had expected and anticipated, including an emergency c-section. As they were wheeling me into the operating room, a nurse leaned in close and said, "all that's going to matter is you're going to have a healthy baby at the end of all of this." Such comforting words!

I'm still recovering from the surgery, but I'm pretty amazed at how the Lord has given me my strength back! My doctor was even happy when I saw her yesterday. :-)

Every time I look at baby Paul, I marvel at what a little miracle he is. Thank you, Lord, for my precious son!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Eviction Time.

Sometimes our ways just aren't God's ways. And I'm really grateful for that!

Our little Peanut was due almost two weeks ago... but that just wasn't God's way or timing. Now that I'm coming to the end of that two week waiting period, I can look back and see how the Lord's timing once again worked out.

Our local fair was all last week and Nat and I were hoping to be a part of that since our church was having a booth at the fair. I got to go up twice and he got to go three times and we were able to talk to several people about what the Bible really has to say about missing the mark with God. Now that wouldn't have worked out so well if we were having a baby, right?

In addition to participating at the fair, Nat was able to spend three different occasions with a man who is dying of several types of cancer... and this man had questions about eternity. In one short week, this man's health quickly declined. I'm thankful for a husband who is sensitive to eternity's values. I doubt Nat would've been able to spend all that time with this dying man if we were in the hospital. Hmm.
My heart was also encouraged and refreshed from the Sunday morning at church. My small group discussion was very uplifting, the song service put my focus back on the Lord (after all, how do you think about yourself when you're singing, "Crown Him Lord of All"?), and the message reminded me to have my delight on the Lord. If Peanut had come last week, I would've missed the service Sunday morning.

So the Lord really knows. Whether I remember the fact that He knows or not is another thing! But His timing is perfect.

Tomorrow morning we're planning on going to the hospital and inducing this baby. I'm still praying that I go into labor on my own tonight, but that just might not be God's will. He's given me several reminders recently that His thoughts and plans are higher than my own and I take comfort in the fact that He is in control.

I also take comfort in the fact that no one has been pregnant for ever, so this baby is coming!