Sunday, May 16, 2010

Would Ya'll Mind...

... praying for me? In February 2009, I had a week of fun in going back and forth to the hospital in Bangkok for what the doctors told me was a scratched cornea in my right eye. I've experienced occasional pain in my eye off and on over the last 16 months, but nothing like what I experienced today. It was like going through the whole experience in 2009, minus the hurried trip to the ER room late one Tuesday night:).

My wonderful sweetie is so full of compassion and went looking for a solution this afternoon in trying to find a doctor in the Lehigh Valley who could have a little look-see at my eye. I would really like to get an appointment tomorrow with the doctor and would appreciate any and all prayer towards that end!

I'm also supposed to be heading out on a trip on Wednesday to the mid-west to see my niece graduate from high school, but obviously plans are subject to change. I'm reminded again of the verse that says all things work together for good!

Just waitin' to see how things unfold this week.... good thing the Sunday School lesson this morning was on rejoicing!


Rebecca said...

Absolutely! Just prayed and will continue to remember you!

Katina said...

Praying for you, Anne!

Jackie said...

Sorry to hear that...I hear it's soo painful! Best thing to do until you see a Dr. is wear your contacts. They'll protect the cornea.

Big bro tom said...

Do you remember when I got that concrete chunk in my eye in 2000? It scratched badly and they said it would scab up and tear every now and then. They weren't lying, @ least once a year when I'm tired and my eyes r dry, it happens. I'm praying that u will heal for all time, but tell nat the pain may always rear its ugly head, and u find out "4 better or worse" always applies. Luv u two.