Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Just Passing Along The Thought...

I may be a little biased, but I happen to think Pastor Hammett is one of the best preachers I've ever sat under... good thing since he's my pastor, huh?!? As he preached on "Personal Evangelism" in church tonight (it's a Bible Institute class but the congregation gets to get in on it too! Very practical...), one of his points was simply obedience, meaning the soul winner has to obey the Holy Spirit's leading. He then made this point....

God's leading is one step at a time. He doesn't reveal His whole plan at the very first step. As we obey Him, step by step, we can look back and say, "Ah! I can see the Lord leading me the whole way!"

Go ahead and think on it for a while...


Dear Abbi said...

I so agree!

That point he made reminded me of Ps the Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. He gives us enough light for a step in front of us. He doesn't shine a spotlight down the road and show us what's before us. But we are required to simply put one foot in front of another, within the path that He has illuminated for the next step only. But when we turn around, we can see how far we've come!

Amen, such a good message and so many applicable points affected many different areas!

Rachel said...

I may be a little biased as well ;), but he is my FAVORITE preacher! :D

You know, right after he made that point, you want to know what I thought? I wonder which one of us (you, me, Abbi, Katina...)will post about this first? :D

Guess you beat us all!

Dear Abbi said...

Oh Rachel, that is hysterical!! We are too predictable!...and crazy! :)

Rachel Marie said...

Mm, Amen! Wow, that was very good!